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super-without-brackets (PLW0245)#

Derived from the Pylint linter.

Fix is always available.

This rule is unstable and in preview. The --preview flag is required for use.

What it does#

Checks for super calls without parentheses.

Why is this bad?#

When super is used without parentheses, it is not an actual call, and thus has no effect.


class Animal:
    def speak():
        return "This animal says something."

class Dog(Animal):
    def speak():
        original_speak = super.speak()
        return f"{original_speak} But as a dog, it barks!"

Use instead:

class Animal:
    def speak():
        return "This animal says something."

class Dog(Animal):
    def speak():
        original_speak = super().speak()
        return f"{original_speak} But as a dog, it barks!"