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unnecessary-comprehension-in-call (C419)#

Derived from the flake8-comprehensions linter.

Fix is sometimes available.

What it does#

Checks for unnecessary list comprehensions passed to builtin functions that take an iterable.

Why is this bad?#

Many builtin functions (this rule currently covers any, all, min, max, and sum) take any iterable, including a generator. Constructing a temporary list via list comprehension is unnecessary and wastes memory for large iterables.

any and all can also short-circuit iteration, saving a lot of time. The unnecessary comprehension forces a full iteration of the input iterable, giving up the benefits of short-circuiting. For example, compare the performance of all with a list comprehension against that of a generator in a case where an early short-circuit is possible (almost 40x faster):

In [1]: %timeit all([i for i in range(1000)])
8.14 µs ± 25.4 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

In [2]: %timeit all(i for i in range(1000))
212 ns ± 0.892 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)

This performance improvement is due to short-circuiting. If the entire iterable has to be traversed, the comprehension version may even be a bit faster: list allocation overhead is not necessarily greater than generator overhead.

Applying this rule simplifies the code and will usually save memory, but in the absence of short-circuiting it may not improve performance. (It may even slightly regress performance, though the difference will usually be small.)


any([ for x in bar])
all([ for x in bar])
sum([x.val for x in bar])
min([x.val for x in bar])
max([x.val for x in bar])

Use instead:

any( for x in bar)
all( for x in bar)
sum(x.val for x in bar)
min(x.val for x in bar)
max(x.val for x in bar)

Fix safety#

This rule's fix is marked as unsafe, as it can change the behavior of the code if the iteration has side effects (due to laziness and short-circuiting). The fix may also drop comments when rewriting some comprehensions.