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unnecessary-double-cast-or-process (C414)#

Derived from the flake8-comprehensions linter.

Fix is always available.

What it does#

Checks for unnecessary list, reversed, set, sorted, and tuple call within list, set, sorted, and tuple calls.

Why is this bad?#

It's unnecessary to double-cast or double-process iterables by wrapping the listed functions within an additional list, set, sorted, or tuple call. Doing so is redundant and can be confusing for readers.



Use instead:


This rule applies to a variety of functions, including list, reversed, set, sorted, and tuple. For example:

  • Instead of list(list(iterable)), use list(iterable).
  • Instead of list(tuple(iterable)), use list(iterable).
  • Instead of tuple(list(iterable)), use tuple(iterable).
  • Instead of tuple(tuple(iterable)), use tuple(iterable).
  • Instead of set(set(iterable)), use set(iterable).
  • Instead of set(list(iterable)), use set(iterable).
  • Instead of set(tuple(iterable)), use set(iterable).
  • Instead of set(sorted(iterable)), use set(iterable).
  • Instead of set(reversed(iterable)), use set(iterable).
  • Instead of sorted(list(iterable)), use sorted(iterable).
  • Instead of sorted(tuple(iterable)), use sorted(iterable).
  • Instead of sorted(sorted(iterable)), use sorted(iterable).
  • Instead of sorted(reversed(iterable)), use sorted(iterable).

Fix safety#

This rule's fix is marked as unsafe, as it may occasionally drop comments when rewriting the call. In most cases, though, comments will be preserved.